Hi, I’m Laura

Hello I'm Laura

Here we’re going to talk about personal style. For decades I’ve explored my creativity through clothing, makeup, hair, accessories. I have four sisters, and we all shared ideas, trends, successes and fails

I’ve generally had a pleasing experience with style, but still struggled to figure out why certain looks didn’t work for me, or I why I couldn’t pull something off like a certain celebrity could. And the dreaded body issues that arose when trying on something that just wasn’t designed for my body.

In my late 30s I discovered the work of David Kibbe and his style IDs. He goes well beyond comparing our bodies to fruit shapes, and dives into the essence of our unique visual aesthetic and how it relates to our bone structure and proportions.

My style ID is what Kibbe calls “Soft Dramatic,” so that’s what I’ll focus on in this channel, with a sprinkling of other types as I learn more by helping my friends and sisters explore their IDs.

It has been transformative for me and I hope it is for you too. Please ask questions and add your experiences on any of my posts so we can explore together!

Check out my
Pinterest for continuously updated, shoppable style inspiration.


Soft Dramatic Celebrity Example - Monica Bellucci