Soft Dramatic Body Type Clues - Broad Shoulders


One of the defining Kibbe Soft Dramatic body traits I noticed about myself was my broad, straight shoulders.

Now that doesn’t sound particularly dainty and feminine, but one of the gifts of learning about style ID, is that I came to see the unique beauty in my shape.

Some women have rounded, sloped shoulders, a feature of Kibbe’s “Romantic” body type. Some have naturally muscular shoulders, like “Soft Naturals.” And the list goes on.

I love that Kibbe uses celebrities to demonstrate body types, because he’s illustrating how the most attractive women in the world are all different body types. Granted, they are mostly slim and fit, however they are across the board as far as how delicate, curvy, frame dominate, dramatic or childlike they are in appearance.

Kibbe typed Sofia Loren as a Soft Dramatic. Notice how broad and straight her shoulders are, creating a T shape, vs. Beyoncé’s softer, rounded shoulders in the image below, whom he typed as a Romantic. Both are lovely in different ways.

Kibbe typed Beyonce as a “Romantic” body type

Check out my Pinterest board for continuously updated outfit inspiration, including items that even Sofia would wear! View my full “Body Type Manifesto” video below:


Style Tip - Monochromatic


Soft Dramatic Celebrity Example - Monica Bellucci